Our competition sells these lists for $2500 and more
Sharlene Hutton
2009-12-09 08:02:07 UTC
All data COMES (Excel format File fully exportable an unlimited usage license).
WE ACCEPT ALL CREDIT CARDS Euro card cards, as well as other payment methods:

Complete Physician Database 788,800 doctors available for direct mail
Physician Email 48,500 (17,441Unique) Physician Fax Database 202,466
First name* Last name* Title* Specialty* Address (city, state, zip, county)*Medical School
Attended* Residency Training* Phone/Fax * Email* Website* Primary Specialty* Secondary Specialty*

==== Package: Cost this WK ONLY $395.00====

*****Also included are the 6 list below*****
1= 7145 Hospitals*23,000 Administrators with Ph/fax and postal address. No emails (reg: $399)
2= Licensed Clinic/Dentist 597,959 Total Records*6,494 Emails*6,000 Fax Numbers. (reg: $599)
3= US Pharmaceutical Company 47,000 employees in high-ranking positions (reg: $299)
Executive's Directory Names and email addresses of
4= Chiropractors*108,421 with phone, 3,414 emails and 6,553 fax numbers. (reg: $399)
5= Acupuncture Database 23,988 records 1,826 emails (reg: $299)
6= Alternative Medicine Clinics and Practitioners Database (reg: $699)
There are 1,141,602 total records with 29,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers.

If you order before This WK you get the Dentist lists listed below to:
New for this Year: Database of Dentists <> in America <> (Regular price $390)
192,003 Dentists with City, State, Zip* 189,050 Addresses* 191,033hone Numbers
95,226 Fax #'s* 51,440 E-Mail Addresses

+++++++Good until the end of this week+++++++

I can give you any one for $149 or for three $329.00 of the list below

Chiropractors<>Alternative Medicine<>Veterinarians<>Hospitals<>National Health Service Corp Clinics
<>Nursing Homes<> Pharmaceutical Companies<>Physical Therapists<>Acupuncturists<>Hotels
Criminal Attorneys<>Real Estate Agents<>Massage Therapists<>Medical Equipment Suppliers
Mental Health Counselors<>Visiting Nurses & RN's<>Optometrists<>Pharmaceutical Companies
Psychologists<>Building Trades

send and email to: ***@bestbizlists.info

Good until the end of this week.

To be erased from our list please send an email to ***@bestbizlists.info