Why pay thousands for a marketing list
Hanson U Ginger
2009-10-24 14:57:26 UTC
Fully Licensed Medical Doctors in the US

788,098 in total <> 17,071 emails

Featuring the most complete contact information in many different areas of medicine

Over a dozen sortable fields

reduced price is now: $395

+++ If you order by the end of the week you can take all the items below for fr ee +++

-> Database of American Pharma Companies
47,000 personal emails and names of decision makers

-> American Hospitals
23,000 Admins in more than 7,000 hospitals {a $399 value]

-> American Dentists
A complete Database or dentists and related services (valued at $399)

-> Contact List of US Chiropractors
100,000 Chiropractors in the USA (worth $250 alone)

send us an email: ***@expertdatasystems.co.cc

good until The end of this week

to stop this email in future email us at ***@expertdatasystems.co.cc
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