Irene Prescott
2009-04-22 23:52:10 UTC
even more obsessed with flickr than usual of late
from anthro
but let me tell you thats not how it will really go i imagine most kids will want to stay home and play computer games but their moms will make them come and so theyll grudgingly put on a some church pants and skirts so i was wondering if you could help me know how to bring the romance back into our modern life its not really that important no matter the dress or the menu we just want the kids to come to feel the spirit of the temple but its like you said anne when you dont use your imagination to make life beautiful how much you miss
and then i found myself a mother funny i thought id teach awhile longer and have grant all to myself and save some money
she didnt want to print off her name- signing was a must
breakfast i always have two eggs and salsa always i dont really get sick of it and it would really stink if i did because theres not a lot out there for breakfast actually when you are at your ideal weight and ovulating regularly you can have any kind of whole grain hot cereal without a problem you know steel cut oats etc i am not quite there yet berries and grapes are pretty low on the glycemic index and i have those too oh and i love cottage cheese with fruit
Ill show you what ive been working on soon- theyre presents and i have to give them away first have a nice monday
off to the kindergarten valentines day party
again happy things
he is the perfect mix to me of blues and folk and funk and feeling
feeling so inspired
i went to the fabric store tonight in search of prints to make some new spring scarves with some will probably end up in the shop too i just love this look also i love toast (the catalog and the cooked bread)
they make me happy
from toast
cate and i went through some of the free options around the web for valentines to download and print
Yummy fabric ready to ship
well as it turns out it was me who needed her the most i think if the test of the greatest among us is the one who will be the servant than penny wins in this houseok animal peoplei get it i really really get it
from anthro
but let me tell you thats not how it will really go i imagine most kids will want to stay home and play computer games but their moms will make them come and so theyll grudgingly put on a some church pants and skirts so i was wondering if you could help me know how to bring the romance back into our modern life its not really that important no matter the dress or the menu we just want the kids to come to feel the spirit of the temple but its like you said anne when you dont use your imagination to make life beautiful how much you miss
and then i found myself a mother funny i thought id teach awhile longer and have grant all to myself and save some money
she didnt want to print off her name- signing was a must
breakfast i always have two eggs and salsa always i dont really get sick of it and it would really stink if i did because theres not a lot out there for breakfast actually when you are at your ideal weight and ovulating regularly you can have any kind of whole grain hot cereal without a problem you know steel cut oats etc i am not quite there yet berries and grapes are pretty low on the glycemic index and i have those too oh and i love cottage cheese with fruit
Ill show you what ive been working on soon- theyre presents and i have to give them away first have a nice monday
off to the kindergarten valentines day party
again happy things
he is the perfect mix to me of blues and folk and funk and feeling
feeling so inspired
i went to the fabric store tonight in search of prints to make some new spring scarves with some will probably end up in the shop too i just love this look also i love toast (the catalog and the cooked bread)
they make me happy
from toast
cate and i went through some of the free options around the web for valentines to download and print
Yummy fabric ready to ship
well as it turns out it was me who needed her the most i think if the test of the greatest among us is the one who will be the servant than penny wins in this houseok animal peoplei get it i really really get it